Thursday, 6 October 2011

Cable theft: an epidemic with unforseen consequences

Thieves regularly put their lives at risk by hacking away live copper cabling to try and cash in on increasing scrap metal prices. While some of them know what they're doing, teenagers are also being used by gangs, sometimes with tragic consequences.
In its article on the subject, the Daily Mail identifies just a few recent cases of cable and metal theft and its outcomes:
  • Read the rest of this article HERE
Homes are also being stripped of highly-prized metal garden ornaments and telephone cables are also being hacked away.

BT has reported 900 cable thefts in just six months and has said 100,000 customers have been affected and left without vital communications.

Following a recent local cable theft at Napton please consider this as a possibility if you lose power or the use of you phone line. Enquire/report asap.

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