Friday, 28 September 2012

SNT Update 28SEP12


Topics include:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Burglary
  • Dealing with Anti Social Behaviour (ASB)

Help the Police to locate Nottingham Knockers operating across Warwickshire

NHW SA We need your help to locate Nottingham Knockers operating across Warwickshire

Following our message of last week warning residents about rogue door-step callers or Pedlars, Warwickshire Police have gathered more information regarding the individuals believed to be involved. There is also a very robust operation in place to deal with these pedlars when they appear in the county but we need your help to locate them.

The individuals calling themselves 'Nottingham Knockers' who are operating across the county are an organised travelling band of known criminals who have numerous offences and convictions between them.

They are targetting the homes of the elderly and the vulnerable across Warwickshire and neighbouring counties selling inferior household products such as cloths and dusters.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Any member of the public selling door to door needs a pedlars licence. These licences or certificates are issued by the Chief Constable of the pedlars home county, are valid for a 12 month period and allow the pedlars to operate anywhere in the country. If the caller on your doorstep does not produce a pedlars certificate then they should not be selling goods and are probably up to no good!

Some pedlars have produced an A4 laminated card with their picture on it and will tell you that the law requiring them to have a Chief Constable issued pedlars certificate has been repealed and they no longer need a licence/ certificate. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

The documents they produce may have Connexions or Probation Department on them and again, these are not the required document that they should be using.

We need you to call 101 or 01926 415000 to tell us where these pedlars are operating. We will then endeavour to send out Police Officers to question the pedlars and to examine certificates. If an offence is believed to have been committed the pedlars can be arrested or reported if necessary.

Once word goes around that Warwickshire is 'hot' on checking pedlars and their documentation, the pedlars will go elsewhere and leave the elderly and vulnerable residents of Warwickshire in peace.

 Please follow this LINK to a document containing examples of pedlars certificates.

REMEMBER: Help us to help you - Call 101 to report their whereabouts or 999 if you believe that a crime is in progress.


Julie Dale
Watch Co-ordinator
Community Protection

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Beware and report chalked symbols on or around your property - Linked to burglaries

Several suspicious incidents have been reported in Warwickshire, over recent days, where home owners have noticed symbols chalked onto the walls of their homes or onto surfaces nearby.

There is evidence that these chalked symbols are used by thieves as a means to identify a property ripe for burglary.

Please see the attached document which details some of the symbols used.

If you spot chalked symbols around your own or other homes please contact Police immediately on 101 and describe the symbols to the operator.  If possible please also take a photo of the symbol if you have a camera on your mobile phone.

Thankyou for your vigilance and your help.

Best regards

Julie Dale
Watch Co-ordinator
Community Protection

Monday, 24 September 2012

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Friday, 14 September 2012

Trading Standards Update

30/08/2012 Dating Scam

Warwickshire Trading Standards is warning residents to be careful when using dating websites after complaints that some are being used by criminal gangs operating in Africa and beyond.

The criminals give the appearance of genuine dating website users to develop relationships with potential victims. Email and messaging services are used and photos sent, but the gangs usually decline video calls to prevent their real identities being revealed.

After a period of time of the relationship developing, money is requested, usually small amounts to cover expenses for family medical care, general bills etc. It is often claimed this can be paid back when a larger inheritance or similar is gained. The criminals then ask for much larger amounts for fees and administration associated with the bogus inheritance.

Requests for money will continue to come until the victim realises they have been conned or their savings are spent.

For more information visit:

30/08/2012 PPI Claim Back Scam

Criminals are using payment protection insurance (PPI) refunds to steal money from consumers warn Warwickshire Trading Standards. The gangs phone or email residents at random, telling them they are entitled to thousands of pounds of PPI reclaims. The potential victims are told to send over £100 in Ukcash vouchers to receive their claim. The money is sent but the victims receive nothing in return.

Consumers are warned not to pay up front fees to anyone who claims they are owed PPI refunds.

Further, consumers who think they are entitled to PPI refunds should be aware that there is no need to pay any trader to reclaim them. Even legitimate no win no fee PPI reclaiming businesses will take a fee (as much as 30%) for carrying out this work.

For advice on claiming for free, visit:

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If you have any information you wish to provide to Warwickshire Trading Standards Service, either for our information, or to appear in future email alerts, please email me.

For more information on scams, visit:

Follow us on twitter:

Simon Cripwell

Senior Information Officer
Trading Standards Service
Warwickshire County Council
tel. 01926 414039
mob. 07771 975570
My normal working days are Monday to Thursday

Latest SNT News


Cash machine crime prevention advice
"Respect the speed limit" -  results
Good news from Burton Dassett Country park 

Beware of doorstep callers & pedlars following suspicious incidents across the county - help required

Please can we make you aware that over the last week or so there have been 26 reported suspicious incidents involving pedlars or door to door sellers.

These pedlars are occasionally also known as Nottingham Doorknockers and they have been busy at homes across Warwickshire in recent weeks.  A large quantity of them do in fact come from the Nottingham area. They are generally dropped off in an area in gangs and sell household items. Many now seem to confess to being ex-offenders, perhaps trying to astound and disarm you with their honesty!

The appearance of these doorstep sellers is believed to be possibly linked to burglaries and other incidents in the areas targetted.

These callers should always have a pedlars certificate with them and, if they do, most of the time, they are not committing a direct offence. However, if you buy items from these people you are likely to be obtaining low quality goods at an inflated price. A much worse outcome is they have a good look at your property with a view to coming back and committing a burglary.

Our advice is don't buy from door to door salesmen.

Police are carrying out operations in several areas of the county and need your help to identify where these pedlars are operating.

If you see them in your area, or have one call at your home, please contact Police on 101 and report the incident.  Police will endeavour to attend the area and to speak to the callers and check that they have necessary Pedlars Certificates.

If you are harrassed or verbally abused by a caller then please call 999.

Julie Dale
Watch Co-ordinator
Community Protection

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

12/09/2012 Trading Standards Scam Update

12/09/2012 Fake Debt Help Warning

 The Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is warning people to beware of bogus telephone calls from people claiming to be CAB debt advisers. The CAB will not make unsolicited telephone calls or txts. For more information visit:

12/09/2012 Bogus Letter Warning

A Wellesbourne resident reported to Warwickshire Trading Standards Service receiving a letter from someone who claimed the recipient was owed £12,500. The letter further stated that a response within 48 hours would enable the resident to receive a £1000 bonus. All the consumer had to do was to send a cheque for £14.95! Never send money in advance to receive a pay-out or prize. These unexpected letters, emails and phone calls are very likely to be bogus. For more information visit:

Please feel free to cascade this information to whom-ever you feel appropriate (including using the information in your newsletters/websites etc.). 

To receive email alerts direct to your inbox, email:

Follow us on twitter:

Simon Cripwell
Senior Information Officer
Trading Standards Service
Warwickshire County Council
tel. 01926 414039
mob. 07771 975570
My normal working days are Monday to Thursday

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Could you lose your car this easily?

All it needs is a bold burglar and an unlocked door!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Trading Standards Update - 05/09/2012

05/09/2012 ‘Cowboy Builder’ is First Warwickshire Trader with ASBO 

Paul David Henstone has become the first Warwickshire trader to be issued with an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) after being branded by a Judge as a “Cowboy Builder”, Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service has announced. 

Henstone, who was recently imprisoned for fraud, carried out shoddy building work at homes across the region and had previously undertaken to improve his business practices. 

However, he failed to do this and on Tuesday 28th August 2012 at Coventry County court, the presiding Judge, Mr Gregory made an anti-social behaviour order against him. Should he breach the order he faces up to two years in prison.

For more information, including a picture of Henstone, visit:

Please feel free to cascade this information to whom-ever you feel appropriate (including using the information in your newsletters/websites etc.).  

To receive email alerts direct to your inbox, email: 

For more information on scams, visit: 

Follow us on twitter:

Simon Cripwell
Senior Information Officer
Trading Standards Service
Warwickshire County Council
tel. 01926 414039
mob. 07771 975570
My normal working days are Monday to Thursday

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Latest News from the SNTs - 31AUG12




  • Garden Security
  • Bicycles - How to keep yours safe
  • Theft from a Motor Vehicle