Friday, 14 September 2012

Beware of doorstep callers & pedlars following suspicious incidents across the county - help required

Please can we make you aware that over the last week or so there have been 26 reported suspicious incidents involving pedlars or door to door sellers.

These pedlars are occasionally also known as Nottingham Doorknockers and they have been busy at homes across Warwickshire in recent weeks.  A large quantity of them do in fact come from the Nottingham area. They are generally dropped off in an area in gangs and sell household items. Many now seem to confess to being ex-offenders, perhaps trying to astound and disarm you with their honesty!

The appearance of these doorstep sellers is believed to be possibly linked to burglaries and other incidents in the areas targetted.

These callers should always have a pedlars certificate with them and, if they do, most of the time, they are not committing a direct offence. However, if you buy items from these people you are likely to be obtaining low quality goods at an inflated price. A much worse outcome is they have a good look at your property with a view to coming back and committing a burglary.

Our advice is don't buy from door to door salesmen.

Police are carrying out operations in several areas of the county and need your help to identify where these pedlars are operating.

If you see them in your area, or have one call at your home, please contact Police on 101 and report the incident.  Police will endeavour to attend the area and to speak to the callers and check that they have necessary Pedlars Certificates.

If you are harrassed or verbally abused by a caller then please call 999.

Julie Dale
Watch Co-ordinator
Community Protection

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