Thursday, 20 December 2012

Beware - In the village now

Please be aware that there are sales-people in the village claiming to have the blessing of the council to promote their particular brand of burglar alarm. They claim to be in Dog Lane and Church Street today but no doubt will be covering the whole village in due course.

If you can elicit any more information such as company name or vehicle registration number and description we can hand this to the police and trading standards.

Do NOT sign up to anything on the doorstep. From experience the up front cost of these systems are minimal but the ongoing maintenance charges can be quite eye watering.

If you do feel that you need a burglar alarm the please start by talking to the police crime prevention team.

Neighbourhood Watch have a selection of items to deter burglars. MORE


Since the original post I have had feedback from Warwickshire Trading Standards who have issued an advice on such calls. MORE

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