Monday, 18 October 2010

Distraction burglary, Farnborough, 15 October

Distraction burglary at home in Holbech Hill, Farnborough INC 140 of 15 October

Please can we make you aware that at around 12noon on 15 October a male called at the home of an elderly lady in Holbech Hill, Farnborough and stated that he was from the Electricity Board
The lady allowed him into her home and he carried out various checks around the house.  After he had gone the lady discovered a quantity of cash was missing.

The offender is described as a white male agred between 45 and 50 years.  He was around 5ft 3in tall with a stocky build, grey sideburns and was wearing a flat peaked cap.
The male ran off and got into a dark blue vehicle.

Please remain alert, on the lookout for suspicious persons or activity around your area and particularly around the homes of elderly neighbours. Please also remind elderly neighbours that they should never allow anyone they do not know or are not expecting into their homes. Thank you.

Julie Dale
Watch Co-ordinator
Community ProtectionTo report crime or pass on any other information about this message  ring  01926 415000.  Quote the incident number if known. PREVENT CAR CRIME  - DO NOT LEAVE PROPERTY IN YOUR CAR or CAR BOOT  PREVENT BURGLARY - DO NOT LEAVE DOORS and WINDOWS OPE
We are working together as Warwickshire Against Domestic Abuse with over 30 other public services
and voluntary organisations to tackle the harm caused by domestic abuse.
If you or someone you know is affected by emotional, financial, physical or other forms of abuse
in Warwickshire Freephone 0800 408 1552* or visit
In an emergency, dial 999.
* PLEASE NOTE: Calls from most landlines to the Warwickshire Domestic Abuse Freephone number 0800 408 1552 are free
and not itemised on bills. If in doubt, or you are calling from a mobile, please check with your telephone provider. 

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