Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Ron Ball - Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Just to let you all know that Ron Ball, Warwickshire's Police and Crime Commissioner is attending the following two Community Forums in Stratford district in March:

Wellesbourne/Kineton at Wellesbourne Fire Station, Loxley Road, Wellesbourne CV35 9JL on Thursday 7th March from 6.30pm

Alcester/Bidford at the Crawford Memorial Hall, Salford Road, Bidford on Avon B50 4EZ on Tuesday 12th March from 6.30pm

Ron and his team have undertaken to come to all forums in Stratford District over the coming year but you are all very welcome to come to either of the above to hear about the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner and to take part in the Q and A session.

Ali Mainey
Community Development Worker
Southern Area Team
Warwickshire County Council
Office Phone External: 01789 260134
Mobile: 07557 565783
Internal: 532134

Fur further information on the LAA visit

For further information on the Stratford-on-Avon Area Office visit

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